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EJEAS Intercom Expert, Professional Bluetooth & Mesh Communication System, mainly selling motorcycle, referee, ski, industrial intercom systems.

EJEAS Intercom Expert

EJEAS MotorcycleRefereeSkiIndustrial Intercom System

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Our Technical Advantages

5G Intercom vs Mesh Intercom vs Bluetooth Intercom

5G intercom uses the power of 5G technology to achieve fast, reliable and secure communication. It provides high-quality audio transmission, better coverage, lower latency, and improves the ability of multiple users to communicate effectively in different areas.

Mesh Intercom is a communication network that enables connections with an unlimited number of people. Users can connect to other nearby users in the same mesh network. There is a limit on the number of people talking at the same time, but no limit on the number of people listening. Private communication, guaranteed security.

Bluetooth Intercom is a chained point-to-point communication method that allows up to 4 devices to communicate simultaneously.

Bluetooth 5.1

Chained point-to-point communication method that allows up to 4 devices to communicate simultaneously.

Mesh 4.0

Robust & reliable communication network that enables connections with an unlimited number of people.

5G Group

Set up an intercom group through the EJEAS APP to expand the number of people and distance of intercom.